Classic toolbar

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The Classic toolbar is a set of icons shown in Microsoft Word when Wordfast Classic is installed and activated. By clicking the icons, the user can activate some of the most important Classic functions.

Sample icon caption
If you hover over an icon in the toolbar, a caption appears. The caption shows the name of the icon and the keyboard shortcut you can press instead of the clicking icon.

Expanding the toolbar

When Wordfast Classic loads into MS Word, only one Wordfast icon, the Wordfast icon, usually appears. Depending on your Wordfast and Word versions, it may look like one of these: WFC-Wordfast-icon.gif. Clicking the icon expands the toolbar and fully activates Classic in MS Word.

The set of icons in the toolbar

The Classic toolbar used to have 18 icons. As of Wordfast Classic 6, 24 icons are available. The user can decide which ones are shown and which once are not. This setting is found on the Setup > UI tab in the Classic window.

The below table shows names of the 24 icons. The corresponding keyboard shortcuts are provided where available (if you use a Mac, see the note about keyboard shortcuts on Macs).

Name of icon Keyboard shortcut
Start translation/Next segment Alt+Down
Copy source Alt+Insert or Alt+s
Expand segment Alt+PageDown
Shrink segment Alt+PageUp
Auto-translate while 100% match Shift+Ctrl+PageDown
End translation Alt+End
TM Companion 2× Ctrl+Alt+m
Terminology Companion 2× Ctrl+Alt+g
QA Companion 2× Ctrl+Alt+q
Previous placeable Ctrl+Alt+Left
Copy placeable Ctrl+Alt+Down
Next placeable Ctrl+Alt+Right
Dictionary Ctrl+Alt+d
Concordance search Ctrl+Alt+c
Reference search Ctrl+Alt+n
Glossary lookup Ctrl+Alt+g
Display translation memory Ctrl+Alt+m
AC on/off  
MT on/off  
QA on/off  
Quality assurance Ctrl+Alt+q
Quick clean-up Shift+Ctrl+q
Data Editor Ctrl+Alt+Enter
Wordfast Ctrl+Alt+w

The looks of the toolbar

The visual design of the toolbar depends on your Microsoft Word version and changed in the past. Here is a summary of the most important variations of the graphic design:

Word 2000/XP/2003/2011

Until Wordfast Classic version 5.91, the toolbar in Word 2000/XP/2003 looked like this:

Word 2003 Wf5.61k old-styl icons.png

Starting with version 5.91, the icons in Word 2000/XP/2003 and Word:Mac 2011 look as shown here:

Word 2003 Wf5.92 new-style icons.png

Word 2007/2010

Until Wordfast Classic version 5.91, Classic had a floating toolbar that could also be docked in the upper right corner of the Word window, as shown here:

Word 2010 Wf5.61k old-style floating toolbar.png

With version 5.91, the Wordfast toolbar is integrated in Word's Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) and its icons are blueish, as shown here:

Word 2010 Wf5.92 new-style toolbar.png

Note about Classic 6

With Wordfast Classic 6, six new icons are available in the toolbar. But the difference between the appearance of the toolbar in different Word versions is the same as with older versions.