Wordfast Anywhere 7 Start Guide

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Getting started

Since January 1, 2023 Wordfast Anywhere is a credit-based service.

Since July 1, 2023 access to Wordfast Anywhere is done from www.wordfast.com/myaccount .

For full information click here.

The Wordfast Anywhere site is accessible via your browser. Please log in through your account at www.wordfast.com/myaccount.

Before Login

How to create an account

Since January 1, 2023 Wordfast Anywhere is a credit-based service.

Since July 1, 2023 access to Wordfast Anywhere is done from www.wordfast.com/myaccount .

You need to create an account on wordfast.com.

To do so, visit our Buy page , select, then buy, the Wordfast Anywhere introductory offer at $1. That will create your new, paid WFA account at www.wordfast.com .

Warning.png If you have a Wordfast Anywhere account from freeTM.com, use the same email address.

Once your paid account is created, you will receive credentials to sign in at wordfast.com/myaccount and manage your WFA account there.

To extend your credit after the trial period, log in to your paid WFA account, and select “Renew.” You will be able to purchase credit for 1 to 12 months at $9.90/month, with discounts available for periods longer than 3 months. Wordfast's tradition of offering a 50% discount to developing economies also applies.

It will be possible to leave your credit dormant (unpaid) and resume at any time. Just note that the shortest credit period is a calendar month.

Get your password back

Since July 1, 2023 access to Wordfast Anywhere is done from www.wordfast.com/myaccount .

If you already have a valid license to one of our other products, such as Wordfast Classic, Wordfast Pro, Wordfast Studio or Wordfast Anywhere:

Access is done from wordfast.com, please contact Wordfast hotline.

Cannot log in to Wordfast Anywhere

Since July 1, 2023 access to Wordfast Anywhere is done from www.wordfast.com/myaccount .

Warning.png We recommend to use Chrome or FireFox browsers as some cookie problems have been detected on IE and Safari.

If you already have a valid license to one of our other products, such as Wordfast Classic, Wordfast Pro, Wordfast Studio or Wordfast Anywhere:

  1. Make sure you access from your account at www.wordfast.com/myaccount.
  2. Make sure your Wordfast Classic, Wordfast Pro, or Wordfast Studio license is valid.
  3. Make sure your Wordfast Anywhere license has credit.
  4. Check Cookies and JavaScript are enabled on your browser and that you are not using the browser in incognito/private mode.
  5. If it still does not work, try to refresh the page, then log in.
  6. If it still does not work, try to clean your browser cache and cookies as it may contain old files. This operation is different on each browser and version. To know how to clean your cache try this cache help page 1 and/or this cache help page 2 . Then refresh the page and log in.
  7. If it still does not work, check if the browser has some pending update. Then refresh the page and log in.
  8. If it still does not work, try a different browser.
  9. If it still does not work, please contact Wordfast hotline.

Login in to WFA account

Since January 1, 2023 Wordfast Anywhere is a credit-based service.

Since July 1, 2023 access to Wordfast Anywhere is done from www.wordfast.com/myaccount .

If you already have a valid license to one of our other products, such as Wordfast Classic, Wordfast Pro, Wordfast Studio or Wordfast Anywhere:

You will have free access to Wordfast Anywhere after January 1, 2023, during the validity period for your other Wordfast product.

To access WFA, simply sign in at www.wordfast.com/myaccount.

The first time you log in you need to set up the initial configuration of the account. This configuration is minimal, allowing you to start translating immediately. You can always refine/change your configuration later.

You must specify the language pair (source and target) of your translation. Since English is the most used language in the world, its code (EN) is the default value. Enter a dash to the right of EN in the Source code language field to obtain a list of English versions available:

Initial dialog.png

Choose your source language and variant (if any). Then repeat for the target language. Finally, click OK.

WFA gives you the ability to translate each segment by online translation services called Machine Translation powered by different engines/companies. The translations proposed are not ever likely to be fully acceptable. However, by making a few small adjustments, you will be able to use them extensively in your translations.

Warning.png When using this service, the source segments that will return a translation are transmitted to the several engines. It is up to you whether or not to accept these translations; these companies are not made aware of your choice. However, be aware that sending the segments to any engine may raise privacy issues between you and your customers.

Notice.png Machine Translation (MT) is activated by default and will be used if your translation memory has no translation to offer. To disable the MT, or for more details on how it works, please see Machine translation.

Project content

If you are accessing for the first time, you see the content of your default project with your chosen language pair ready for your first document.

  • A project named "Project_1" is created by default. If you had an account before version 6, it will contain all the files from the previous version grouped by language pair.
  • Every document now belongs to a language pair, which in turn belongs to a project.
  • Double-click a project to open it to see the content (documents grouped by language pairs).
  • Double-click a document to start/resume work.

Notice.png Wordfast Anywhere 6 Basic Projects video

Project content.png

Create a New Project

On the Project tab click on Pm new project 16.pngNew to create a new project. This will open the Project Seup window where the settings for the project are done.

Warning.png Up to 3 projects can be stored at any given time.

To access the project setup once the project has been created, when the project is opened click on the project name or on the Setup.png icon next to the project name.

Createproject.PNG Createproject1.PNG Createproject2.PNG

The Project Setup window has two sections that need to be set in order to create the project. Setting one section opens the next one.

On this section general information of the project is set. This includes:
  1. Project name (Compulsory)
  2. Description (optional)
  3. Project type. Defines the type of the project:
    • Standard: For translators working alone.
    • Advanced: For Project Managers (PMs) managing large, multi-language projects.
  4. Project status (for advanced type). Defines the status of the project:
    • In preparation (blue): When project is being prepared (files, TMs and glossaries and linguist being added)
    • In progress (orange): This marks the start of the project. Files are shared with the linguist at this point.
    • Completed (green): The project is finished.
  5. Currency(optional). It will be used to calculate the project cost.
  6. Decimals(optional). Use decimals when showing the project cost.
  7. Auto(optional). By default Project Manager will be responsible of pushing files to the next job when completion is done. Check it to automatically sent files to the next step upon completion
2.Language Pairs and tasks
On this section language pairs and tasks are added.
  • Use the + next to the language pair header to add a new language pair. This will open the language selection dialog and then the TM and glossaries dialog to assign them to the language pair.
  • Use the + at the end of the header row to add new tasks. Only 10 tasks can be added.
  • A row is shown for each language pair where the default word rate (left box) and speed rate (right box) for each task can be set.
  • Use the - next to the language pair to remove it. Warning.png Associated files and shares will be revoked.
  • Use the - next to the task name to remove it. Warning.png Associated files and shares will be revoked.

Once all compulsory fields are set, click on Save project to save the project and go to the Project Content panel.

Warning.png It is possible to move from standard to advanced but opposite is only possible if the advanced project has only one task.

Upload a document

Since January 1, 2023 Wordfast Anywhere is a credit-based service.

Since July 1, 2023 access to Wordfast Anywhere is done from www.wordfast.com/myaccount .

If you already have a valid license to one of our other products, such as Wordfast Classic, Wordfast Pro, Wordfast Studio or Wordfast Anywhere:

You will have free access to Wordfast Anywhere after January 1, 2023, during the validity period for your other Wordfast product.

To translate your document, you must first upload it to WFA.

Warning.png There is a file size limit of 20 Mb.

From the Project Content Panel there are two ways to add files to a project.

  • Using the Add File To Project16.png icon on the header will add the files to all the languages in the project.
  • Using the Add File To Project16.png icon on the language row. This will add the files only to that language.


The following window will be displayed:

Upload doc.png

There are several ways to upload a document

  • From local file: Use Browse... to navigate through the directories on your computer and locate the document to be uploaded.
  • From URL: This option allows you to upload a file that is located on an Internet server by entering the address (URL) into the field. This feature is useful for tablet computers and other mobile devices that do not possess a hard drive.
  • From Google Drive: Choose a file from your Google Drive to be uploaded. You'll be asked to allow access rights to WFA before choosing the file. This feature is useful for tablet computers and other mobile devices that do not possess a hard drive.
  • From Dropbox: Choose a file from your Dropbox to be uploaded. You'll be asked to allow access rights to WFA before choosing the file. This feature is useful for tablet computers and other mobile devices that do not possess a hard drive.
  • From Clipboard: Paste the text to be uploaded into the text area. A text file will be created with the text.

At the bottom of the window click on View allowed formats to check the allowed formats:

Finally click on:

  • Upload: to only upload the file, which will be listed on the Document Management.
  • Upload and Open: to upload and open the document, which will be displayed in the document panel.

Warning.png Depending on the size of the file, this may take some time. Please be patient.

Upload can also be done by using drag and drop area.

Setting up language pair, Translation Memories and glossaries

Language pair with its associated TMs and glossaries set in the project setup

To access the project setup dialog, when the project is opened click on the project name or on the Setup.png icon next to the project name.

Project setup.png

Click on the language pair + button.

Langpair dialog.png

Enter the languages and save, the TMs and glossaries dialog opens.

Tmglo langpair.png

  • If no TM and glossary exists for the language pair, a new dialog will propose you to create them. Save and wait they are listed.
  • You can create and choose one or more TMs and glossaries. They are selected by checking the row in the Active column.

Tmglo langpair 2.png

Finally save the TMs and glossaries selection by clicking on the Save button. The new language pair is now in the project setup and one icon is displayed for each TM and glossary.

Project setup 2.png

Warning.png The TMS and glossaries can be updated for a language pair by clicking on the icons. But if documents already exists for that language pair, they will not be affected by this change, only new documents added after the update.

TMs and glossaries set individually for a document

This selection for a document is overwriting the Language pair selection. In the project content select a document by checking it and then click on the TMs and glossaries button Preferences16round.png of the File menu.

Project content 3.png

The same TMs and glossaries dialog opens.

Tmglo langpair 3.png

Saving will update only the TMs and glossaries for the selected document. A control can done hovering the TM icon.

Project content 2.png

Setting up Machine Translation

The Machine Translation setting is done In the general setup dialog. Click on the Setup button Preferences.png of the Wordfast Anywhere menu and go to the MT tab.


To disable an engine just uncheck it in the list.

To enable an existing engine in the list, just check it and run a test with the Test button.

To add a new one click on the Add button.

Warning.png When using this service, the source segments that will return a translation are transmitted to the several engines. It is up to you whether or not to accept these translations; these companies are not made aware of your choice. However, be aware that sending the segments to any engine may raise privacy issues between you and your customers.

When reactivating MT engines, you will have the following warning:

Initial dialog mt.png

Translating a document

Document translation

Your TM and document are now ready. You can start a translation session.


Click on the Start/Next button StartNext.png of the Translation tab. The first segment opens.

Basic to know about the segment:

  • The source segment. It is not editable by default.
  • The target segment. It is editable - this where you type your translation.
  • There are 3 possible views of the segment: Classic, Horizontal (the default) and vertical (To change go to View tab => Doc Layout button Batchmonitor16 views.png).
  • If there is no proposition from the TM, WFA will prefill the target with Machine Translation (MT). Machine Translation will be proposed against an orange background.
  • If an exact source text exists in the TM (an "exact" match or 100%), the corresponding translation will be proposed against a green background.
  • If a similar source text exists in the TM (a "fuzzy" match lower than 100%), its translation will be proposed against a yellow background, and differences will be highlighted.
  • If you are re-opening an already translated segment, the existing translation will have a pink background.

Notice.png When translating, the segments are saved automatically in the translation memory and on the database system as soon as you go to the next segment.

We recommend the use of the Alt+Down shortcut for this basic action. Common actions are associated to shortcuts (see Wordfast Anywhere tab => Setup button Setup.png => Shortcuts tab).

Click on the Close & Commit button CloseSave.png to end the translation session.

Notice.png When WFA load a big document, not all the content is visible on the screen. The document is loaded bit by bit while you are translating. However, you can move inside the document by using the buttons on the View tab.

Notice.png An auto-suggest feature is enabled by default to help you translate. It will propose you non translatable words or phrases, terminology. If you want to recopy a tag from the source segment please type < to trigger the tags proposal.


Check the Translation section on the Wordfast Anywhere Manual for more information.

Document delivery

  • Click on File tab.
  • Click on the Download button Save16.png .
  • Choose Translated document and click on the OK button.

Warning.png For download issues, please check this link

Verify documents after download. Note that you can have no more than 10 documents in your Workspace at any time: delete translated documents from the Workspace after verification to free space for more documents.

Shortcuts and buttons for main features

This start guide assumes the basic of the CAT tool. Please refer to the Learn more about... chapter for a full explanation of all features.

Translation Start translation / Next segment Alt+Down StartNext.png Starts a translation session by opening the currently selected segment / Commits the current segment to TM and opens the next segment.
Translation Previous segment Alt+Up Previous.png Commits the current segment to TM and opens the previous segment.
Translation Close & Commit Alt+End CloseSave.png Ends translation by closing the current segment and committing it to the TM.
Translation Close Shift+Alt+End Close.png Ends translation by closing the current segment without committing it to the TM.
Translation Close & Delete Alt+Delete Close restore.png Ends translation by closing the current segment and emptying the target. Do not commit to TM.
Translation Provisional segment F10 Mark.png Marks a segment as provisional with a yellow Post-It.
Translation Copy Source Alt+Insert CopySource.png Copies the source segment over the target segment.
Translation Expand Alt+PgDn ExpandSeg.png Expands a segment, if it actually extends beyond the punctuation mark (wrong segmentation). Note that a segment cannot be extended beyond a paragraph mark, page break, tabulator, or table cell.
Translation Shrink Alt+PageUp ShrinkSeg.png Reverses any use of the Expand segment command.
Translation Translate Shift+Ctrl+PgDn TranslateUntilFuzzy.png Translates until a non-exact match is found.
Translation Toggle empty Ctrl+Alt+X Cleanup Project16.png Empty the target - remove the tags from the target - restore the original target
Wordfast Anywhere Wordfast setup Ctrl+Alt+W Setup.png Opens the Wordfast Anywhere general setup dialog.
Edit Search & Replace FindReplace.png Search and replace in the document.
TMs and glossaries TMs and glossaries setup Preferences16round.png Opens the TMs and glossaries setup dialog.
TMs and glossaries Concordance search Ctrl+Alt+C ConcordanceSearch.png Looks up TUs in the TM containing a specific word or expression.
TMs and glossaries Glossary Search Ctrl+Alt+G GlossarySearch.png Looks up a term in the glossary
TMs and glossaries Add term to glossary Ctrl+Alt+T TermEdit.png Pops up a glossary term entry form.
TMs and glossaries Copy TU Alt+right CopyTU.png Copy a TU from the TM panel to the target segment. If many, press many times, it will start by copying the second one assuming the first one is already copied. The TU can be a MT proposal.
TMs and glossaries Delete TU DeleteTU.png Delete from TM the current or selected TU visible in the TM panel.
View TM pane Ctrl+Alt+M PanelTm.png Closes or opens the TM pane.
View Glossary pane Ctrl+Alt+H PanelGlo.png Closes or opens the Glossary (Terminology) pane.
View Outline pane PanelOutline.png Closes or opens the Outline. The outline is a view of all the segments showing which ones are translated but also which ones have notes or are provisional.
View Move next block Page Down MoveNextScreen.png Move to the next block of document's content.
View Move previous block Page Up MovePrevScreen.png Move to the previous block of document's content.

More Information

This is a start guide.

  • Check the Wordfast Anywhere 6 Manual for more information.
  • Check the FAQ to check the Frequent Asked Questions.
  • Check this videos for a couple of Youtube channels with WFA information.