Checking segment visible length Wordfast Classic
The following macro does the same as the previous macro, but this time, the visible length of text is compared rather than just the number of characters. Note that a segment’s visible length depends on its font.
Sub CheckRealLengthOfText()
'This macro warns the user if the target segment is over 130% of the source's length.
'The *real* visible length of text is compared, not just character count
'(Of course we assume both source and target have the same font and size)
Dim I As Integer, Segment As Range
Static L(1) As Long
For I = 0 To 1
If I = 0 Then
Set Segment = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("WfSource").Range
Set Segment = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("WfTarget").Range
End If
Selection.Start = Segment.Start: Selection.End = Selection.Start
Do While Selection.Start < Segment.End - 2
Selection.MoveStart wdLine: Selection.MoveEnd , -1
L(I) = L(I) + Selection.Information(wdHorizontalPositionRelativeToTextBoundary)
Selection.MoveStart , 1
'Here, "1.3" means 130%. Change this figure as needed.
If (L(1) > L(0) * 1.3) Then
If MsgBox("Target text length is over 130% that of source target." + vbCr + vbCr + "Get back to the segment and correct it?", vbYesNo, "Wordfast") = vbYes Then
Selection.Bookmarks.Add "WfStop"
End If
End If
End Sub
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