Translating Mindjet MindManager Files
This article about how to translate XML files from a third-party program called MindManager was written by Yasmin Moslem in June 2012. At this time, we cannot guarantee it will work well with current MindManager versions but we think it could be useful if anyone wants to try.
Save XML from MindManager
From the Mindjet MindManager application, choose File > Save As… and save your mindmap file in the MindManager Map (XML) format.
If you open .xmmap file in a text editor, you will see that the translatable parts are identified in the attribute: PlainText.
Get the rules file ready
To translate the .xmmap in Wordfast Pro, you first need to create a very simple extraction rules *.properties file (click here to download it)
paragraphPrefix.0=PlainText=" paragraphSuffix.0="
Next, you’ll need to create a text-based filter that so Wordfast Pro will recognize the .xmmap extension and use the *.properties file rules to extract the proper content.
Open the XML file in Wordfast Pro
To open the .xmmap file in Wordfast Pro (version 4 or newer):
- Click on
to open Preferences and go to New Project Preferences > Filters.[1]
- Click on the Add button.
- Choose the file format Text-based filter (*xml).
- Give your filter a name (e.g. Mindjet).
- Use UTF-8 for the source and target encoding.
- Use the Browse... button next to "Extraction rules" to locate the extraction rules (*.properties) file.
- Make sure the "Extension" field shows xmmap and save the settings by pressing OK.
- Now, when creating a new project, you can add the Mindmap file and it will use this newly created filter. If you have more than one customized .xmmap filter, you will be able to choose which filter to use when adding the .xmmap file.
To open the .xmmap file in Wordfast Pro 3:
- Go to Edit menu > Preferences > Formats > New > Text-based Filter.
- Click the [...] button to locate the (*.properties) file. Make sure the "Extension" textbox shows *.xmmap and save the settings (OK).
- Open the .xmmap file in WFP3 (File menu > Open file).
Save translated XML file
After translating and saving the file back to its native .xmmap format, open the translated .xmmap file in Mindjet MindManager.
- ↑ If you want to add a .xmmap file to an existing project, open the project first, then open Preferences > Current Project Preferences > Filters and go to step 3.