From Text to Doc: a smarter approach Wordfast Classic
The following macro attempts to rebuild a DOC-like document from a TXT document where all lines unconditionally end with a paragraph mark. Text copied from the Internet, or from PDF files, suffer from this common problem. Note that there is no sure-fire way of "guessing" how paragraphs should be rebuilt. The following macro uses a few methods that usually give good results, rebuilding most paragraphs correctly. But the final result must be visually checked before professional use.
Sub TextToDoc()
Dim S As Selection, D1 As Range, D2 As Range, IsPara As Boolean, T As String
If Windows.Count = 0 Then MsgBox "Sorry, no document open": Exit Sub
Set S = ActiveWindow.Selection: Set D1 = S.Range: Set D2 = S.Range
S.End = 0
Do While S.Start < S.StoryLength - 1
' Turn off screen refresh for better speed
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
IsPara = False
' We store the last letter of the line into the string T
S.MoveEndUntil vbCr: T = Trim(S.Text): T = Right(T, 1)
' A first attempt to determine if we do have an end of paragraph:
' the line ends with an end-of-sentence
If InStr(".!?", T) > 0 Then IsPara = True
If S.End < S.StoryLength - 3 Then
D1.SetRange S.End + 1, S.End + 2
If IsPara Then D2.SetRange S.End - 1, S.End Else D2.SetRange S.End - 2, S.End - 1
' If the last character of the line is lowercase and the first character of the next line is uppercase,
' we'll assume we've got a real paragraph.
' Disable this for languages that capitalize a lot, like German etc.
If D2.Characters(1).Case = wdLowerCase And D1.Characters(1).Case = wdUpperCase Then IsPara = True
' if the font name or size varies from the current line to the next, we'll also assume
' there's a new paragraph. Very often the case with text copied from PDF; not
' relevant with Txt files.
If S.Font.Name <> D1.Font.Name Then IsPara = True
If S.Font.Size <> D1.Font.Size Then IsPara = True
End If
' If we do not have a paragraph, then join the two lines into one and move on
If Not IsPara Then
S.Start = S.End: S.Delete: S.InsertAfter " "
S.InsertParagraphAfter: S.MoveStart wdParagraph, 1: S.MoveStart wdParagraph, 1
End If
S.End = 0
MsgBox "Text to Doc conversion finished. Please check the document."
End Sub
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