Wordfast Live Online Training Sessions
Wordfast Online Training Events
Do you need to know more about how to use Wordfast efficiently, and how to get the most out of its diverse preferences? We are organizing online training events on Wordfast to help translators explore its hidden worlds. By virtue of being online, you can attend these training sessions from anywhere.
Check wordfast.com/support_training to learn more about Wordfast training, or sign up to receive notifications about future training opportunities.
Attending Wordfast training events does NOT require owning a Wordfast license beforehand.
Wordfast Pro 5 Beginner's Course — 7, 14 & 21 November 2018, 4:30-6:00 PM GMT
This course has ended but you can still purchase on-demand access to the videos for €50:
Online course, consisting of a self-paced primer and 3 live sessions (total duration: 6 hours).
This training is devoted to setting up and using the general features of Wordfast Pro 5. Practical exercises will focus on creating and using glossaries and translation memories as well as other important resources. This course is for translators who are new to CAT tools or Wordfast or who have been using Wordfast Pro without any formal training.
Session 0: Self-paced (approx. 1.5 hours), to be completed until November 5
- What are and why use CAT tools?
- Segmentation, translation memories, terminology
- Downloading and installing Wordfast Pro 5
- Troubleshooting, tech support & user forums
- Translation and workflow assignments
Session 1: Wednesday, 7 November, 4:30-6:00 PM GMT
- Changes from Wordfast Pro 3 to Wordfast Pro 5
- Project creation and management
- Translation memories
- Glossaries
- Tags and formatting
- Predictive typing: AutoSuggest
- Migration from Wordfast Pro 3 and Wordfast Classic
Session 2: Wednesday, 14 November, 4:30-6:00 PM GMT
- Concordance searches and TM Lookup
- Office, PDF and Live Preview
- Analysis and reporting
- Auto-translation
- Quality Assurance: Transcheck
Session 3: Wednesday, 21 November, 4:30-6:00 PM GMT
- TXLF Editor Filters
- TM and glossary editing
- Chain Files: translating multiple files as a single one
- Tasks in batch mode
- Preferences and customization

- EUR 60 for Early Registration, before November 1, 2018 (GMT)
- EUR 80 for Normal Registration, between November 1 and 6, 2018 (GMT)
Sign up to receive notifications about future training opportunities
- EUR 50 after the training has started; you will get access to recordings of sessions you missed and be able to attend any remaining live sessions.
- You are NOT required to have a Wordfast Pro license to attend this training course.
- Participants who attend at least two of three live sessions will be entitled to a 30% discount on the purchase of a new Wordfast Pro license at the end of the training.
- If you have a valid Wordfast Pro 3 license, you can license Wordfast Pro 5 for FREE.
- The course consists of 3 sessions and you should attend all of them; the above-mentioned fee covers all the sessions.
- Sessions will be recorded so that you can watch them if you missed any or if you want to revise them.
After registration, it takes about 24 hours to receive the webinar link via email.