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Wordfast Pro 5 can be used as a mere filter to allow WFC users to continue translating with WFC and not have to worry about converting their WFC TMs and glossaries to the WFP5 format.

The idea is simple:

  1. WFP5 is used to extract translateable content from Excel, PowerPoint, InDesign, etc. into a .txlf file.
  2. WFP5 is used to export that content to a Word document.
  3. WFC is used to translate the Word document.
  4. WFP5 is used to import the translated Word document back to the .txlf file.
  5. WFP5 is used to create the translated file in its original format (Excel, PowerPoint, InDesign, etc.).

Follow these steps to use this feature:

  1. Create and open the project in Wordfast Pro 5.
  2. Locate the .txlf file Wordfast has created on your computer. The quickest way to do that is by right-clicking the file in your project in Wordfast Pro 5 and clicking Open Location.
  3. In Wordfast, click the Wordfast Pro dropdown on the upper-left corner, then click on Quick Tools.
  4. Click on the Bilingual Export tab at the top.
  5. Drag and drop the .txlf file you have located.
  6. On the right-hand side, in the "Bilingual Export Options" section, select export type as "Bilingual Review Export - WFC (allows import)".
  7. Change the "Bilingual File Location" to your desired folder.
  8. Click the Bilingual Export icon at the top.
  9. Locate the exported file and translate like you normally do in WFC.
  10. Upon finishing the translation, open Quick Tools again and click on the Bilingual Import tab.
  11. Drag and drop the the translated bilingual file and the initial .txlf file you used in step 2 to merge the translated content from the WFC bilingual file into the WFP bilingual file.
  12. Click on the Bilingual Import icon.
  13. Now return to the project you created in step 1, and you'll see that the file has been completed.
  14. Click on the Cleanup icon to save the translated file in its original format.

Here is a video that demonstrates this process with a MS PowerPoint file.

Version: Wordfast Pro 5.7
Operating System: macOS

--Byron, 22 January 2019